Read the results and look at the pictures from the prize-giving evening on 12th July - click on the box opposite... and would you like to join the team in 2025 - see our page for details.

Read the results and look at the pictures from the prize-giving evening on 12th July - click on the box opposite... and would you like to join the team in 2025 - see our page for details.
We are delighted to have so many affiliated organisations as part of the Association – the main groups are shown in detail and pictures can be found on the Gallery page of this site – other organisations are also members of Go Godalming and are listed below.
CHAMBER OF COMMERCEThe Godalming & District Chamber of Commerce represents a wide range of different sectors including retail, catering, professional services, industry and general commerce. As a group we also have the advantage of a community drawing on a huge range of skills, knowledge and resources to deliver real benefits and results to our membership.
The Chamber is effective because it is made up of individual business owners and managers who want to improve the business environment they and their colleagues work in.
The Godalming & District Chamber of Commerce represents members from the Godalming district. As well as the town of Godalming this includes Farncombe, Compton, Hurtmore, Milford, Witley and Hascombe.
The Chamber is managed on a day-to-day basis by an elected management committee which has responsibility for ensuring that members are provided with a level of services that help provide support and advancement. All management committee members are also full members of the Godalming Chamber.
Our Mission
Our focus is to improve the business environment within which our members operate regardless of their industry sector. We have at our heart our mission statement:
The Godalming and District Chamber of Commerce exists to promote the trading and commercial interests of the business community and co-operation between its members for the benefit of the whole community.
Web – www.godalmingchamber.org
Churches Together in Godalming & District include Anglican, Baptist, Roman Catholic, the Godalming United Church & Religious Society of Friends.
Churches Together in Godalming & District unites in pilgrimage those churches whose life and witness seek to express the faith shared by Churches Together in England which:
a) acknowledges God’s revelation in Christ,
b) confesses the Lord Jesus Christ as God and Saviour according to the Scriptures,
c) commits them, in obedience to God’s will and in the power of the Holy Spirit, to seek a deepening of their communion with Christ and with one another in the church, which is his body, and to fulfil their mission to proclaim the Gospel by common witness and service in the world to the glory of one God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
They affirm their common calling to serve the community in active witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ,
recognising that participating churches are one in their faith in God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. They do
this by:
a) seeking ways to express the love of God for all people,
b) expressing their unity in joint prayer and worship where appropriate,
c) doing together that which is better done together, and
d) supporting one another’s work in mutual trust and co-operation.
Any church which seeks by its life and witness to express this faith is welcome to participate in the common purpose, meetings and activities of Churches Together in Godalming & District.
SS Peter & Paul, Godalming
Canon John Harkin
St Mark’s, Ockford Ridge
Rev Sheila Samuels
Busbridge & Hambledon Church
Rev Simon Taylor
Rev Simon Willetts
St John the Evangelist, Farncombe
Rev James Rattue
St Nicholas, Compton
Ven Julian Hubbard
St John’s, Milford
Rev Clive Potter
All Saints, Witley
Rev James McKeran
St Peter’s, Hascombe & St Mary & All Saints, Dunsfold
Rev Rutton Viccajee
www.hascombe.com & www.achurchnearyou/dunsfold
St James, Elstead
St Michael & All Angels, Thursley
St Mary’s, Shackleford
St Nicholas, Peper Harow
Rev Hannah Moore
Godalming Baptist Church
Rev Peter Jackson
Milford Baptist Church
Rev Simon Bodington
Godalming Quaker Meeting
Ms Anna Seifert
St Edmund King & Martyr, Godalming
St Joseph’s, Milford
Fr Jonathan How
Ladywell Convent
Godalming United Church
Rev Adam Payne
Elstead United Reformed Church
For general enquiries about Churches Together in Godalming & District, please contact James Toon (Chair) at james.toon@mac.com.
GODALMING MUSEUMA charming, friendly museum in a listed medieval building. As well as displays on local geology, archaeology and history, a special gallery celebrates the lives and partnership of Gertrude Jekyll, artist and craftswoman and Sir Edwin Lutyens, architect. The peaceful museum garden reflects their ideas of planting and design. The building itself has been carefully restored, revealing many intriguing architectural features. There is a lively programme of temporary exhibitions and an absorbing local studies library
Web - www.godalmingmuseum.org.uk
GODALMING OPERATIC SOCIETYGodalming Operatic Society is widely regarded as one of the country's leading Gilbert and Sullivan Societies. The Society was founded in 1925, and (excepting the war years) has put on a major Gilbert and Sullivan production in every subsequent year, including some of the more rarely performed ones such as ‘The Grand Duke’ and ‘Utopia Ltd.’
Currently we perform a fully staged G&S opera every February, with a full orchestra under our musical director Robin Wells.
In June or July we put on a smaller scale work, often at the Electric Theatre in Guildford. Our previous summer productions range from a concert version of ‘Aida’ to Joan Littlewood's Musical Entertainment, ‘Oh What a Lovely War’.
In 2005 the Society performed ‘Iolanthe’ at the International Gilbert and Sullivan Festival in Buxton and in 2007 performed ‘Utopia Limited’ at the Waterford International Festival of Light Opera in Ireland, gaining an award.
Our 2011 production of 'Patience' was awarded an Accolade of Excellence from NODA
In 2012 we returned to Buxton to perform 'The Pirates of Penzance'.
In 2014, we performed 'Princess Ida' at the International G&S festival in Harrogate, winning an award for 'Best Costumes'.
We also have a very active social side to the group. We hold a wide range of social events and regularly organise trips to see other shows.
Web - www.godalmingoperatic.org
GODALMING TRUSTThe Godalming Trust is a voluntary organisation promoting high standards of planning, conservation and regeneration for the benefit of the local community in Godalming and Farncombe. It exists to bring together all who are interested in the town and its environs, aiming to stimulate interest in their history and character, and to promote a healthy sustainable balance between preservation of ancient buildings and new developments in building and landscaping.
Web - www.thegodalmingtrust.org.uk
See also Other Member Organisations